When you are the first ever to do something your name becomes legend.
Our goal is for "Everyday Joe" young men to get payed to play our sport on TV.
We used Advanced Linguistics to develop a TV brand name that will feel familiar around the globe.
"Stryker" is an athlete who scores. "Dornbel" means handball in Ancient Gallic.

Jersey's official handball is made at the Henry Handball Shoppe of Westville New Jersey. Each ball is hand crafted, sown and assembled by Jersey Handball's founding father and rulebook author Henry S Clifton. Our balls aren't for sale. They're issued to the game's teams for free. Balls can be swapped out for repairs at any time.
Find out why Jersey's Handballs are so fast reaching speeds as high as 80.2 mph. Discover why our spring sport is one of the most challenging games while being a whole lot safer than tackle football.
You can meet our game's founding father and start one of our first ever teams right now.
Saturdays at 4 PM.
• Almonesson Rd
Westville NJ [1st & 3rd Saturday]
• County House Rd
Blackwood NJ [2nd & 4th Saturday]
Must be 18 years or older to play.
Hank will be teaching the game to athletes, coaches, managers and officials. Let's build this.

Each game has 10 Rounds.
Each team has a possession drive in each round with 6 Plays called "Ups" to score.
Penalties result in a loss or gain of a play which makes a "7up" possible.
Each Up has 30 seconds to begin.
Each team has 4 timeouts per game.
Eeach team has 10 players.
The Offense has 5 eligible players who can receive forward passes and pass the ball forward from behind the ball's spot line.
Ineligible players are permitted to receive handoffs and throws behind the line of scrummage and strike the ball by hand or foot forward to pass and score.

Blocking is with the hands only from shoulders to waist from the front or side. Blocking is not permitted beyond the one yard neutral zone. Defenders are not permitted to fight off blocks or bull rush. Defenders must go around blockers. No contact is permitted between players without the ball anywhere forward the neutral zone.
If a player from each team touches a live ball, the ball then remains live after contacting the field. This is called a "Free Ball".
The ball also must be caught on the field and over the field. A ball over a boundary is dead in the air, being carried or on the turf.

The ball must be carried away from the body. Bring the ball into the body the whistle stops the play.
Ball carriers are not permitted to move backwards in open field. Step backward with the ball and the whistle will Stop the play.

We don't tackle. In our games the ball carrier is stopped by forcing a step backward, bringing the ball into the body or wrapping both arms around the ball carrier to draw the whistle. We call that a "mugging". So you won't get your bell rung in our game. Concussions aren't allowed but in Jersey you will get Mugged.

Jersey is most related to North American Gridiron Football but our game also has a lot of DNA from Rugby League, Gaelic Football, Rugby Union and Australian Football.

Z = Hooker
X = Grappler
J = Halfback
K = Fullback
A = Outback
The defense must observe and maintain a one yard neutral zone before the snap.

X = Gaurd
Z = Scrum
K = Wing
A = Fly
J = Jack
The offense has five eligible players who are permitted to run routes forward the spot line to receive passed balls. They must have six set line players. One line player is eligible. The four backfield players are eligible with free motion before the snap from the eligible line player to the opposite side line.

All players must wear approved face protection. Jersey Handball has no helmets or hard pads. There is no violent contact or culture. Hitting, diving, lowering the head or bull rushing is illegal.
There will be blocked kicks, lots of arms and elbows and our ball's speed makes face protection necessary.

Because you'll get mugged in Jersey, ball carriers will end up with torn jerseys. We needed a cheap way of replacing them. Our team jerseys are craft store T-shirts with the code stenciled on both sides.
A player's status is communicated to the officials through the jersey code. A single letter with a single digit tells the official who's permitted to catch forward passes beyond the ball's spot line.

• The Pitch-Grid is 90 yards long between the two try lines.
• The Pitch-Grid is 50 yards wide.
• In the United States Pitch-Grid end zones are 15 yards deep.
• Pitch-Grids have 5 Set lines every 15 yards.
The Pitch-Grid being 90 yards allows our game to operate in markets that have a grand total of 6.5 billion people.
Pitch-Grid lines can be applied to American or Canadian Football fields as well as either Rugby League or Union pitch without the need to move the other game's sticks.

Quanco is the original name for the Rugby Ball. It's also a casino gaming table.
Four gamers can book a table and predict the results of every offensive possession against the three other gamers. Our streamed broadcast is separate from the TV broadcast because that announcer gives instructions to every dealer managing a table viewing the current game.
Quanco can be played at any venue worldwide.

Hurling Rugby when played by women is called Shandy. Our women's sport is played in Summer with the same mission. We're out to help young adults escape debt slavery by playing a pro game on TV.